Vedic Astrological Planets


MB Vedic Astrology Planets And Houses

MB Vedic Astrology Planets And Houses Software is an extraordinary Vedic astrology tool that finds out the positions of the astrology planets in the astrology houses as they appear in your natal chart. This tool provides you with your Vedic astrology

MB Vedic Astrology Planets And Signs

MB Vedic Astrology Planets And Signs Software does planets and signs analysis and finds out which astrology planets are housed in which astrology signs. This planets and signs astrology software also tells you the planets and signs compatibility as


MB Rudraksha And Astrological Planets

MB Rudraksha And Astrological Planets gives you the benefits of using Rudraksh beads based on astrology and planets. These beads are said to have many medicinal and spiritual properties that can help you overcome many problems in life. MB Rudraksha And

MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Dignities

MB Vedic Astrology Planetary Dignities shows the rulership of the planets in the signs they are present in based on Vedic Astrology. Each planet may or may not be compatible with the sign it is present in. The placements effects the expression of the

MB Western Astrology Planets And Houses

MB Western Astrology Planets And Houses shows the positions of the planets in the twelve houses in your natal chart based on Western Astrology. The distribution of the planets in the different houses play an important role in interpreting the birth chart

MB Astrology Planetary Patterns

MB Astrology Planetary Patterns Software finds the planetary patterns as they are displayed in your astrology natal chart and tells you the influences of the astrological planets considering their planetary patterns or planet positions. The interpretation

MB Nakshatra Oracle

MB Nakshatra Oracle is a Vedic Astrological divination tool that helps one chart out the course of the day. This is based on the calculation of the Nakshatra or constellation that the moon is occupying on the day of birth and current day. MB Nakshatra

MB Sputa Drishti (Angular Aspects)

MB Sputa Drishti (Angular Aspects) calculates the angular aspects according to Vedic Astrology. Sputa Drishti is defined for a pair of planets. MB Sputa Drishti (Angular Aspects) Software is an astrology tool that is based on the Vedic astrology

MB Western Astrology Planetary Dignities

MB Western Astrology Planetary Dignities shows the rulership of the planets in the signs they are present in based on Western Astrology. Each planet may or may not be compatible with the sign it is present in. The placements effects the expression of the

MB Astro Homeopathy

MB Astro Homeopathy Software is based on the homeopathy treatment principles as well as the astrology principles that can predict the health problems or diseases an individual may suffer from owing to the adverse influences of some of the astrological

MB Vedic Astrology Decanates

MB Vedic Astrology Decanates calculates the decanate sign in which the different planets of your natal chart are placed in, based on Vedic Astrology. Each zodiac sign is divided into three decanates of ten degrees each. These decanates influence the finer

MB Vedic Astrology House Lords

MB Vedic Astrology House Lords displays the effects or influence of House Lords (planets) that are present in signs other than the ones they rule. This software aims to give you an insight into your future based on Vedic astrology. MB Vedic Astrology

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